Monday, December 18, 2023

Summarizing Like a Boss: Five Strategies to Up Your Game


Attention teachers! Do you find yourself receiving long-winded paragraph answers from your students that seem to go nowhere? Does it seem like you're reading a novel instead of a paragraph-long response? If this resonates with you, fear not! Summarizing is one of the most basic yet critical skills your students need. And don't worry, I'm not here to bore you with a dry list of strategies. In typical sassy fashion, I'm going to give you five fun strategies that will make summarizing a breeze for both you and your students. So buckle up, teachers, and let's dive into the world of summarizing.


Strategy #1: Picture It. Visuals are everything when it comes to summarizing. Have your students draw a picture that encapsulates what they just read. This strategy will require them to think deeply about the text and will help them remember the key takeaway. Plus, who doesn't love a little bit of creative expression?


Strategy #2: The Post-It Party. Divide your class into small groups and give each group a pack of Post-It notes. Have them read a short section from the textbook, and then work together to write down the most important points on their Post-Its. Then, have each group stick their notes to the board and present their summary to the class. This strategy not only makes summarizing fun, but also allows for collaboration and discussion.


Strategy #3: The Graphic Organizer. Providing students with a graphic organizer, such as a flowchart or Venn diagram, can help them visually organize information and create a summary that makes sense. Encourage them to use images, symbols, and colors to make their graphic organizer more engaging. This strategy also helps with note-taking and retention of information.


Strategy #4: The 5 W's Summary. Have your students create a summary using the five W's: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. This strategy helps students think critically about the information they've just read and identify the most important elements. You could even have them turn it into a graphic organizer for added engagement.


Strategy #5: Summarize and Compare. Summarizing doesn't have to be boring. Spice it up by incorporating some friendly competition. Assign teams and give each one a text to summarize. Once each team is done summarizing, have them take turns presenting their summary to the class. The class can then vote on the most effective summary. This activity not only helps students practice summarizing skills but allows them to be creative and have fun.

There you have it, teachers! Five fun strategies to use when summarizing that will engage your students and make the process a breeze. And who knows? Maybe your students will surprise you with their creativity and summarizing skills. Summarizing doesn't have to be boring. Incorporate some of these strategies into your classroom and watch your students thrive. Happy summarizing!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Why You Should Showcase Your Students' Winter Holiday Traditions in Your Classroom


As the winter holidays approach, it's easy to think that it's all about snow days and hot cocoa. However, there's something more important to consider: cross-cultural understanding. Schools should celebrate their students' diversity, not disregard it. One way to do this is to showcase your students' winter holiday traditions in your classroom. Doing so can not only help your students learn more about each other but also encourage them to take part in some new and interesting activities that they might not be familiar with yet. In this blog post, we're going to discuss the benefits of this approach.


By showcasing students’ diverse winter holiday traditions, you can open up discussions about different religions, beliefs, and cultures. This can encourage students to learn about and understand one another on a deeper level, helping them to appreciate each other’s backgrounds and traditions. Moreover, learning about and respecting different cultures is a crucial aspect of becoming a global citizen, and you can help to facilitate that in your classroom.


By highlighting your students’ holiday traditions, you can give them the opportunity to get creative and express themselves. For example, you can host a holiday decorating contest, where students can showcase their creativity and unique holiday traditions. This can make for a fun bonding activity and bring a bit of joy into the classroom.


The winter holidays can be an emotionally charged time of year, and for some students, it may not be a time of joy or celebration. By showcasing a variety of different holiday traditions, you can help to make all students feel seen and included in the classroom. This can be especially important for those who may feel marginalized or different from their peers.


Overall, showcasing students’ winter holiday traditions provides an excellent opportunity to teach and learn. You can invite guest speakers to speak on their own holiday traditions and beliefs. You can also choose to focus on the history of different holidays or the significance of certain symbols or customs. The possibilities are endless, and the learning opportunities are priceless.


Bottom line: showcasing your students’ winter holiday traditions is a fun and educational way to bring some merriment into the classroom while promoting understanding, inclusivity, and creativity. So go ahead, embrace the holiday season, and let your students shine!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Get Hyped: Why You Should Bring Jamboards to Your Classroom


Welcome to the future of education! With Jamboards, teachers can now easily create interactive and engaging lessons that will really get their students excited about learning. And here’s the best part: it can all be done right from the comfort of your own classroom. That's right - no more lugging around heavy projectors or trying to figure out how to make technologies available for every student in attendance. Jamboards are going to take teaching, collaboration and engagement up a notch (or two... or three) -- Ready? Let's jam!


One of the main reasons why Jamboards are so great is that they allow for interactivity. They’re a digital whiteboard that can be accessed by all students in the classroom, whether they’re in-person or remote. This means that they can all collaborate and work together on the same board in real-time. Whether it’s brainstorming, collaborating on a group project, or sharing their work with the class, Jamboards make it easy and engaging for everyone.

Are you tired of just talking at your students and not really making an impact? Jamboards allow you to integrate visual learning aids like charts, graphs, and images into your presentations. It makes the subject more fun and engaging by stimulating students' visual memory, which can reinforce learning and better retention. And if you want to jazz it up even more, you can add animated GIFs, emojis, and videos to your jamboards - just keep it educational, okay?

Jamboards can also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. You can use the tool to create puzzles, quizzes, and interactive games that challenge your students while also promoting teamwork, creativity, and decision-making. And since jamboards are web-based, you can easily share them with other classrooms and teachers, so your students can get a wider perspective and collaborate with other schools.

Last but not least, Jamboards are completely free! They’re part of Google’s suite of educational tools, which makes them easy to access and use. All you need is a Google account and you’re good to go. There’s no need to worry about licensing fees or additional costs, which makes Jamboards an affordable and accessible tool for all teachers.


 There you have it, my dear teachers – Jamboards are the future of education. With a bit of imagination and creativity, you can transform your classrooms into interactive and engaging learning spaces that inspire students to learn and grow. So, what are you waiting for? Try Jamboards in your class and see the magic for yourself!

Monday, September 18, 2023

Teach your Students to Give Thanks for the Past: A Guide to Incorporating Thanksgiving into your Social Studies Classroom

'Tis the season to give thanks, and we educators have a special role in helping our students gain an understanding of what lies at the heart of Thanksgiving. This holiday is bursting with more than just turkey and stuffing - it's also chock-full o' history! So, let's bring history, gratitude and a good dose of a-maize-ing learning into our social studies class this season.


First, you have to acknowledge the problematic aspects of Thanksgiving: Let’s be real, the way Thanksgiving has been celebrated in American culture has done a disservice to the Native American communities. We’ve simplified their culture, and disregarded their voices. It’s time to acknowledge the problematic aspects of Thanksgiving and delve deeper into the history of the holiday. Let your students know that Thanksgiving wasn’t a happy story until much later in history. Encourage them to read stories that describe the true Native American experience and share their own perspectives.


And since we are exploring people's perspectives, use primary sources, like letters or diaries, to help explain the real history of Thanksgiving. You can also find books, websites, and resources that offer first-hand accounts of what really happened during the Thanksgiving holiday.


Another way to incorporate the history of Thanksgiving into your social studies classroom is by celebrating its diversity. Thanksgiving is a unique opportunity to highlight the contributions of different cultures to American society, and to teach your students about the different customs and traditions that have shaped our shared history. Instead of focusing solely on the traditional Thanksgiving meal or the pilgrims and Native Americans, why not explore other cultural dishes and celebrations that are celebrated in the fall? Ask your students to research and present their own traditional foods, holidays, and customs, and encourage them to learn from one another.



What is Thanksgiving without gratitude? As educators, we often emphasize the importance of being grateful, but how often do we put those words into practice? This Thanksgiving season, let's take the time to encourage our students to express their gratitude and appreciation for all the things they have in their lives. We can do this by having them write gratitude journals, creating gratitude posters, or even organizing a "thank-a-thon" where they can express their thanks to their friends, family, and teachers. By encouraging your students to embrace gratitude, you can help them build stronger relationships, improve their mental health, and foster a positive classroom environment.


Finally, Thanksgiving is more than just a history lesson or a cultural celebration - it's an opportunity for your students to understand the past to build a better future. By teaching your students about the different perspectives and experiences of those who came before us, you can empower them to become more conscious and compassionate citizens of the world. You can do this by encouraging them to think critically, analyze historical documents, and reflect on how they can take action to make a difference in their own lives and communities. By teaching your students to appreciate history and diversity, you can help them to create a better tomorrow.


Teaching the history of Thanksgiving isn't just another lesson - it's an opportunity to help your students become more grateful, compassionate, and culturally aware individuals. By understanding the origins of Thanksgiving, celebrating diversity, embracing gratitude, and working towards a better future, you can enrich your social studies curriculum and help your students to appreciate the true meaning of this national holiday. So this Thanksgiving, let's take a step back from the turkey and stuffing, and give thanks for the lessons that history can teach us. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Map It Out: How to Introduce a Map Lesson in Social Studies


Alright, fellow educators! Are you ready to get your students navigating the world like a boss? Then it's time to introduce a map lesson in your next social studies class. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be a boring lecture where your students start zonking out faster than they can say "cartography." With a little bit of strategy, you'll have them eagerly reaching for their compasses and rulers in no time. Here are some tips on how to make that happen and shoo away those yawns.

First things first, make sure your students understand why maps are important to our daily lives. Talk to them about how we use maps for navigation, tourism, and even to understand political boundaries. You can even share some personal anecdotes about how maps have helped you in your own life. This will not only make the lesson more relatable, but it will also get your students engaged from the get-go.

When teaching anything, it's important to start with the foundation. Explain the differences between longitude and latitude, what a compass rose is, and maybe draw a rough sketch of a map on the board. Don't worry about getting too technical just yet. A good teacher knows how to start out slow and keep their students on track.

You don't want your students to feel like they're just sitting and watching a video for 45 minutes straight. One of the best ways to get their brains working is to give them a hands-on activity. You can have them draw a map of their respective neighborhood, assign a scavenger hunt where they have to use a map to find hidden clues, or encourage them to map out their personal dream vacation. This makes the lesson feel less like a lecture and more like an adventure.

The best part about maps is that they are everywhere. Show your students how maps play a role in their daily life - from navigating to school to finding the nearest fast-food chain. Make a game out of mapping their daily routines, and you might just ignite a love for geography in your students.


Let the past be your guide and make sure to give history a chance when it comes to geography. Maps are an amazing tool: they provide us with glimpses of cultures around the world, captivating our students in ways nothing else can. So let these tips lead you on a journey as you help your pupils take up exploring like pros - there’s no better way to spark their love for learning than getting them On The Map!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Don't brew up any trouble: What NOT to do when teaching the History of Halloween

Ah, Halloween, the spookiest time of the year. As a history teacher, you probably look forward to this time of year to not only talk about ancient traditions, but also to get your students excited about history. However, there are a few things that you should avoid doing when teaching the history of Halloween. In this blog post, we'll dive into what not to do when teaching this beloved holiday to ensure that you're educating your students in the best way possible.

Here's what NOT to do when teaching the history of Halloween.

It's important to remember that Halloween has its roots in ancient traditions, most famously, Samhain, which was celebrated by the Celts. However, when Europeans colonized North America, they brought their own traditions which eventually merged with local practices. That being said, it's important to not fetishize colonialism, which greatly harmed indigenous peoples. Focus on the traditions and their origins rather than the influence of European practices.

Don't demonize Halloween: The majority of people love Halloween - the decorations, the candy, and the costumes. However, you might come across some who believe that Halloween is a holiday of evil. Don't be the teacher who feeds into that belief. Halloween does have pagan origins, but the holiday has evolved over time and has become a holiday of fun and games for children. Rather than scaring your class, explain the historical background of the holiday in a way that they can understand.

Don't promote inappropriate costumes: Halloween can be a great time for dressing up, but it's also essential to consider the appropriateness of costumes. Don't encourage your class to dress up as stereotypes or to use Halloween as an excuse to show off a risqué costume. Be mindful of your students' cultural and religious beliefs as well. Instead, make some class guidelines for costumes that are inclusive and respectful of all cultures.

 Halloween may have originated from Celtic traditions, but it's important to remember that other cultures have their own form of celebration. For example, Mexico celebrates Dia de los Muertos, which is a day to celebrate the dead. It's important to not appropriate or co-opt these traditions for the sake of celebrating Halloween. Instead, encourage your students to learn about other cultures and their traditions, and maybe even incorporate them into your lesson plan.

 Last but not least, it's important to remember that Halloween is all about fun! While it's important to teach students about the history of the holiday, don't forget to have some fun along the way. Encourage your students to dress up and maybe even throw a Halloween party. After all, what better way to get excited about history than to dress up and have fun with it?


So, that's what NOT to do when teaching the history of Halloween. As a teacher, it's essential to remember that Halloween has evolved over time and has different meanings for different people. It's crucial to promote respect and inclusiveness in your classroom and to be mindful of your students' diverse backgrounds. By being a responsible teacher and avoiding these Halloween faux pas, you can ensure that your class has a spooktacular time while learning a little bit about history in the process.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Importance of Timelines in Social Studies

The Importance of Timelines in Social Studies for Middle School Teachers | Koala Case Curriculum

If you're like me, then you probably love a good timeline. I mean, what's not to love? Timelines are neat, tidy, and they help us make sense of the chaos that is history. But for all of their charms, timelines are often misunderstood and underutilized in the classroom. So today, dear reader, I'm here to set the record straight on why timelines are important in social studies.


Ever wonder why some people just can't seem to grasp the concept of cause and effect? They probably didn't have access to a trusty timeline during their formative years. That's right, timelines aren't just for keeping track of important dates – they're key tools in helping students truly understand the interconnectedness of historical events. After all, it's not enough to know that the Battle of Waterloo happened – students need to see how it influenced the course of European history. So, let's all give timelines the respect they deserve, and maybe, just maybe, we'll start seeing a world where people actually learn from history instead of repeating it. 



History can be a tricky subject. It's like trying to find your way through a labyrinth of facts and dates, trying to make sense of it all. But fear not, dear students! The magical tool of timelines is here to save the day. Not only do they help you keep track of all those pesky dates and events, but they also give you a glimpse of how things have changed (or not) over time. And let's face it, studying controversial topics like slavery and civil rights can feel overwhelming at times. That's why timelines are like your trusty sidekick - guiding you through the ups and downs of history, helping you make sense of how attitudes and policies have evolved (or devolved) over time. So, put on your cape of curiosity and let's delve into the exciting world of timelines! 

The third reason timelines are important is that they help students see the interconnectedness of events. One of the most common misconceptions about history is that it's a series of isolated events. But in reality, history is full of interconnected events. Timelines can help students see these connections and understand how one event can lead to another. For example, the American Revolution didn't just happen in a vacuum; it was directly inspired by the earlier success of the British colonies in North America. Seeing this connection on a timeline can help students understand how different events can be connected.


Timelines are the perfect way for students to kickstart their historical exploration. Next time you're teaching a social studies unit, help your students really get to grips with history by using timelines. Viewing events as part of an interconnected whole helps kids develop their understanding and appreciation for how our world has shifted over time - plus it's fun too! So when mapping out your lesson plans, don't forget those invaluable chronicles of cause-and-effect throughout history.

Summarizing Like a Boss: Five Strategies to Up Your Game

  Attention teachers! Do you find yourself receiving long-winded paragraph answers from your students that seem to go nowhere? Does it seem ...